French foundry journals
acquired in 2014
The Iron Library is happy to have been able to acquire a large number of issues of french foundry journals. A retired foundryman living in Paris passed his collection of french foundry periodicals on to the Iron Library. The issues cover a period of more than 40 years, starting in the mid 1960s.
The journals "Hommes et Fonderie" and "Fondeur d'aujourd'hui" are of particular value because they are rarely to be found in libraries in German-speaking countries. Including "Fonderie" – another french journal on foundry technology – the holdings of the Iron Library rank among the most extensive and complete collections in this subject area outside of France. We thank Christophe Buch (GF Casting Solutions) for arranging the contact with the supplier in Paris.
Recent acquisitions
- De motionibus naturalibus a gravitate pendentibus
- Die Rakete zu den Planetenräumen
- Encyklopädisches Handbuch des Maschinen- und Fabrikenwesens
- Register of the Arts and Sciences
- Neue Grundsätze der Artillerie
- Inledning til mecaniken och bygningskonsten
- Nouvelle Architecture Hydraulique
- Grundlehren der Chemie
- Hermetis, Aegyptiorum, et Chemicorum Sapientia
- The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla
- Die deutschen Patente über Flugapparate
- Die Seidenmanufaktur
- La machine aérostatique de MM. de Montgolfier
- Kunststoffe
- Elementa Hydrotechniae
- Railroad Bridge near Busswyl
- Johann Georgen Stadt
- Ironworks Unterwellenborn
- Valerian Gillar's "Price book"
- Architectura Hydraulica
- The Quebec Bridge
- Becher's "Foolish Wisdom"
- Joining Nations
- Ramelli's "Treasure chamber"
- Natural Rubber and its Sources
- French foundry journals
- Isaac de Caus
- Johann Gabriel Drechsler
- Dictionnaire de Marine