Travel Reports of a Pioneer

Johann Conrad Fischer as eyewitness to the Industrial Revolution

Exhibition on the occasion of the 250th birthday of Johann Conrad Fischer (1773-1854)

June 9 2023 – September 30 2023
Iron Library and Klostergut Paradies


Digital Edition of the Travel Journals of Johann Conrad Fischer 1794–1851
Travel with Fischer through 19th century industrial Europe.

On the trail of Johann Conrad Fischer in England
June 12 to 22, 2023
We will trace key stages and highlights from Fischer's travel journals and report on what has changed since his time. Follow the journey live on social media:

Instagram/Twitter: @250jcf

Expert Tours

The following themed tours with experts took place as part of the exhibition:

Franziska Eggimann
Managing Director of the Iron Library and GF Corporate Archives
"Tausend Herrlichkeiten": Johann Conrad Fischer erlebt die erste Weltausstellung 1851 in London

Nina Schläfli
Historian, Kreuzlingen
Unternehmer unterwegs: Technologietransfer, internationaler Austausch und Netzwerke zu Johann Conrad Fischers Zeiten

Valerija Rukavina and Nicolau Lutz
Research assistants at the Iron Library
Von Handwerkern, Mechanikern und Ingenieuren: Start-ups der Industriellen Revolution

Peter Niederhäuser
Historian, Winterthur
Das Kind einer Umbruchzeit: Johann Conrad Fischer

Christopher Zoller-Blundell
Academic librarian at the Iron Library
"Reisen in technologischer Hinsicht": Technik und Industrie in Fischers Büchern