
Book donations to the Iron Library and their donors.

Time and again, the Iron Library is asked by private individuals and institutions from Switzerland and abroad to take possession of books and journals. The reasons for this are varied: be it because they are duplicates from other libraries, or because a particular estate is being broken up.

If the titles in question fit into the collection profile of the Iron Library and enrich the holdings in a meaningful way, the Iron Library is happy to accept donations - within the framework of its personnel and spatial capacities. The donors can be sure that they are entrusting their donations to a library that will continue to preserve and make available evidence of technical heritage in printed form and on paper.

Donations to the Iron Library

In contrast to the special collections, the donated books are not cataloged and placed separately, but are classified into systematic groups according to content criteria.

Below you will find a selection of the more extensive donations to the Iron Library. At the beginning the origin of the donation is stated (if necessary the mediating authority), followed by a brief description of the content of the media received.


  • Huntsman Advanced Materials, Basel, Switzerland - the greater part of the company research library, formerly the library of CIBA, containing thousands of volumes about the history, production and applications of plastics and advanced polymers
  • Ingo Büren, Hilzingen, Germany - Books about hybrid polymer and metal materials engineering


  • Hanspeter Britt, Schaffhausen, Switzerland - Books about metallurgy and industrial history
  • Langfeld AG, Frauenfeld, Switzerland - Journals and other volumes about metal construction
  • Julian Kirner, Schaffhausen, Switzerland - Technical encyclopedia in Dutch
  • Dr. Bernhard Droste, Teltow, Germany – More books on materials testing and also on the history of the Bundesamt für Materialprüfung


  • Patrick Burgy, Schaffhausen, Switzerland - old and rare books, including the 1778 Lausanne edition of Encyclopédie
  • Michael Darby, United Kingdom - Books on the industrial history of Great Britain
  • World Heritage Office of the Planning Department of the City of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany - dossiers, plans and documentation about the city's world heritage water management system
  • Oskar Nuyken, Munich, Germany - Numerous books and research papers about polymer sciences
  • Harald Sambale, Munich, Germany - Books about plastics technology
  • Langfeld AG, Frauenfeld, Switzerland - Journals and other volumes about metal construction


  • Jan Schulze & Stefanie Müller, Schwabe Business Services GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe, Germany – a GF SPKA-2 "Schlämmapparat" for the object collection of the GF Corporate Archives
  • Heinz-Jürgen Rissiek, Schwalenberg, Germany – Books and journals about plastics
  • KraussMaffei High Performance AG, Näfels, Switzerland – Books and journals about plastics
  • Georg Fischer Casting Solutions, Schaffhausen, Switzerland – Books and journals about casting


  • Prof. Dr. Dietrich Braun, Darmstadt, Germany - Books and journals about plastics
  • Tuchschmid AG, Frauenfeld, Switzerland– Books and journals on iron working and the industrial history of Switzerland
  • Dr. Bernhard Droste, Teltow, Germany – Various publications on material quality testing as well as the complete run of the International Journal of Radioactive Materials Transport
  • Siemens AG Corporate Technology, Erlangen, Germany– Books about plastics and polymer research
  • Agie Charmilles LLC, Losone, Switzerland – Books about mechanical engineering and EDM



  • GF Casting Solutions, Schaffhausen - Foundry magazines


  • Library of the HSR, Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Rapperswil - Plastics Technology
  • Institute for Plastic Technology, University of Stuttgart, Germany - complete series of the Stuttgart plastics colloquium


  • Katrin Wallheinke, Technology Center, GF Piping Systems, Schaffhausen - Plastics technology


  • Prof. Dr. Dietrich Braun, Darmstadt, Germany - Plastics
  • Oskar Baldinger, Umiken – Industrial history, industrial archaeology


  • John Morgan, Berry Hill, Coleford, United Kingdom - Plastics
  • Günter Lattermann, Bayreuth, Germany - Plastics


  • Alusuisse [mediated by Docuteam/Swiss Economic Archive, Basel] -Alumininium technology, economic history
  • Peter Kunz, Schaffhausen – Railways in the USA
  • George Mourlon, former employee of a foundry company, Paris - French foundry magazines
  • Siegfried Wagner, art blacksmith, Wolframs-Eschenbach, Germany - blacksmithing art, forging technology
  • City Archive Biel – Swiss economic history
  • Library of Business Administration, University of Zurich - Encyclopedia Americana


  • Cornel Doswald, Zurich - Archaeology and History of Iron
  • Library of the Military Academy at the ETH Zurich (MILAK), Birmensdorf - Welding Technology


  • Michael Darby, Great Britain - Iron and Steel History


  • H. Tillmann, Germany – Casting
  • Jürg Zimmermann, Schaffhausen – Railways
  • Max Ruh, Schaffhausen – magazine " Hegau - Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Volkskunde und Naturgeschichte des Gebietes zwischen Rhein, Donau und Bodensee"
  • Estate of Henych, former foundry engineer at Georg Fischer Ltd - foundry business (in Czech)



  • Walter Bieri, Zurich - Forging
  • Cornel Doswald, Bremgarten – Archaeology and History of Technology (in French, Spanish, English and German)
  • Herr Barb, Schaffhausen – Italian works on the art of blacksmithing


  • Heinrich Hofacker, Gockhausen – Iron and bridge construction
  • Monika Blaser, Winterthur – Tin
  • Georg-Agricola-Gesellschaft – Industrial Archaeology


  • Emiko Nakazawa, Japan – Japanese translation of "Die Geschichte des Eisens in technischer und kulturgeschichtlicher Beziehung" (The history of iron in technical and cultural-historical terms)
  • Lambert Moschet – Mechanical Engineering, Swiss Industry
  • Vreni Nadig – "Stahl und Eisen" (journal)
  • Axel Hamm – Foundry and metal science
  • Helene Soguel – Film and photography


  • Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG, Winterthur – Journals on the subjects of materials engineering, metallurgy, geodetics, materials testing
  • Museum Association Schaffhausen - "Mit Eisen- und Stahlguss zum Erfolg"
  • Rudolf Burkolter, Arbon – Magazines on the subjects of steel and iron, metallurgy, iron research, metallurgy, foundry
  • Christian Guler, Klosters – Sanitary facilities, installation technology, locksmith trade, steam systems, boilers, history of hygiene
  • Masayoshi Amatatsu, Japan – Iron and steel
  • Urs Werner, Schaffhausen – Metallurgy, aluminium, foundry, pipelines, steel industry plants in Japan, welding, copper, measuring and testing technology, fittings


  • Museum Achse, Rad und Wagen – Magazine "Achse, Rad und Wagen" (Axle, Wheel and Carriage), history of land vehicles
  • Hans-Joachim Böhm – Stainless steel production, high-speed steels, malleable cast iron, iron, metallurgy, cast iron, heat engineering
  • Georg Fischer Automotive, Singen – Magazines on the subjects of electrical engineering, foundry, steel and iron, iron metallurgy


  • Renato Esseiva, Winterthur und Elisabeth Beugger-Schild, Reinach – various magazines, history of technology, crafts, plastics technology, mechanical engineering, metals, technology, chemistry, transportation, automation, military
  • Archive SBB Historic, Berne - Journals and journals for drive technology, construction, materials testing, hydraulics and pneumatics, electricity and lake, rails of the world, Schweizer Industrieblatt, Sulzer Horizonte, The Motorship, Die Volkswirtschaft, Engineering, Nickel
  • ThyssenKrupp AG Konzernarchiv, Duisburg – Employee Magazines
  • Jürg Zimmermann, Schaffhausen – Railway, weapons, wars
  • Alain Nussbaumer, EPF Lausanne – Profile iron, steel construction tables
  • Peter Fehlmann, Zollikofen – hydraulic engineering, iron production and deposits, mining
  • Alfried Krupp, Essen [mediated by Ralf Stremmel] – History of the House of Krupp


  • Josef Bossy, Thun – Ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering
  • Rico Deola, Neuhausen – GF Corporate News
  • Margaret Graf, Schaffhausen – Photographs and printed matter of Georg Fischer Ltd
  • Jörn Bibern – Magazine "Foundry"
  • Karl-Heinz Schütt – Magazine  "Konstruieren + Giessen"
  • Schaffhausen City Library - "Steel and iron"
  • Walter Tschumi, Losone – Catalog of works ovenware
  • Heinrich Zwicky, Zurich - Meyer's Conversational Dictionary


  • Winfried Hamich, Darmstadt – Technology and Society
  • Max Ruh, Schaffhausen – Sulzer works magazine

1999 and earlier


  • Jürg Peter, Schaffhausen – Tin figures


  • Schweizerischer Stahlhandelsverband – Iron trade